Preseason Outlook

Sophomore Kenna Dorman on junior varsity is in the outfield during a home game at Falls.


Sophomore Kenna Dorman on junior varsity is in the outfield during a home game at Falls.

Coming very close to starting off their season, both the varsity and junior varsity softball teams have high expectations. Pre-season so far has been successful with an undefeated JV; the varsity team has five freshmen and lots of seasoned upperclassmen, making the team a mix of new faces and returners.

Sophomore Kenna Dorman, who plays centerfield on JV, believes “this year we have a better team than in the past, because we have new players that bring a lot to the team.”

Senior Brynn Faye, who is a pitcher and plays short on varsity, agrees there is a mix of new players and returners. “The expectations are high this year, because there are a lot of new faces to the program–they have a lot of potential while we also still have our returning players who are doing good as well.”

Kenna further says, “we are excelling in hard work–when it’s raining or hot outside, we are practicing and all still putting in the effort it takes to have a good team.”

Coach Vest believes the team’s new faces have a big part in their success and potential in the future, especially their freshman class. “This freshman class as a whole has deepened the talent pool in the program and we’re very excited to see their progress,” she explained.

In order to have a successful season, Kenna believes the team needs to “have lots of communication and put a lot of effort and focus into our game.” With the season not far away, the team is working hard to improve these aspects of play.
Brynn believes the girls need to “practice more and work together as a team to create a better bond to start off the season.”
Coach Vest explains, “So much of a team’s success has nothing to do with actual performance, and more to do with our ability to remain disciplined when facing adversity from all of the things outside of the game.” She believes if they focus on their goals, they will succeed and make it far in the playoffs.

Just recently the teams have freshly kicked off their season already with 2 district games, and the third is this Friday, March 10th at Falls against Dickinson.